Tree   Friendly Reminder!   Tree

  • Post-Harvest Reports are now due! If you haven't summited yours yet, please do so as soon as possible to stay compliant.
  • Exciting news ahead! Stay tuned for more details on PY2025 applications—coming soon!

Thanks for keeping things on track!   Tree


Press Releases


Western Canadian agricultural producers can apply now for a fall FarmCash advance of up to $1 million on field crops, honey or livestock to help them grow

September 5, 2023 (Calgary, Alberta) – Prior to the long weekend, the FarmCash cash advance program opened fall applications, allowing agricultural producers to take advantage of marketing flexibility or kick-start planning for the next growing season’s commodity inputs.

Agricultural producers can now receive $350,000 interest-free with a FarmCash advance, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Minister Bibeau announces major change to the 2023 Advance Payments Program

May 10, 2023 (Calgary, Alberta) - As of May 8, 2023, western Canadian producers may receive the first $350,000 interest-free on FarmCash advances of up to $1 million, a $100,000 increase to the interest-free limit for the remainder of the 2023 Advance Payments Program (APP) year.

Agricultural producers across Western Canada can now receive funds on spring FarmCash advances

April 3, 2023 (Calgary, Alberta) - As of April 1, 2023, agricultural producers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba can now receive their spring FarmCash advance of up to $1 million with the first $250,000* interest-free and take advantage of opportunities to grow their farms.

FarmCash opens spring application to western Canadian producers to help their farms succeed amid rising interest rates

February 1, 2023 (Calgary, Alberta) – Starting today, February 1, 2023, agricultural producers across Western Canada can apply without needing to leave their farm for a FarmCash advance of up to $1 million and receive the first $250,000 interest-free to improve their long-term profitability.

Fall FarmCash advances available now — apply for up to $1 million with the first $250,000 interest-free and receive your funds within three to five days

September 1, 2022 (Calgary, Alberta)FarmCash is proud to announce it will begin issuing fall cash advances with the first $250,000 interest-free starting today, September 1, 2022.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Minister Bibeau announces major change, agricultural producers are now eligible to receive the first $250,000 interest-free through FarmCash

June 23, 2022 (Calgary, Alberta) – Effective as of June 20, 2022, agricultural producers who apply for the Advance Payments Program (APP) through FarmCash are now eligible to receive the first $250,000 of their advance interest-free.

Government of Canada announces major change to Advance Payments Program, agricultural producers can now receive their entire FarmCash advance upfront

April 6, 2022 (Calgary, Alberta) – The Government of Canada announced another temporary change to the Advance Payments Program (APP) that provides additional support for western Canadian agricultural producers experiencing cash flow difficulties in the wake of record-high input prices and last year’s drought conditions.

Producers can now receive funds from Western Canada’s fastest growing Advance Payments Program and take advantage of new advance rates

April 1, 2022 (Calgary, Alberta) – Producers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba that have applied for FarmCash can begin improving the long-term profitability of their farming operation starting today, April 1, 2022.

The fastest growing Advance Payments Program in Western Canada opens spring applications to agriculture producers

March 1, 2022 (Calgary, Alberta)FarmCash is now accepting spring advance applications on all 50 plus commodities, from wheat and canola to bison and honey. Starting today producers from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba can apply for up to $1 million dollars and receive the first $100,000 interest free with the remainder at TD prime minus 0.75 per cent.

FarmCash opens fall advance applications to western Canadian producers

September 1, 2021 (Calgary, Alberta) – Starting today, FarmCash is accepting applications for post-harvest, fall livestock and actual honey production advances. As this date marks the official opening date of the fall application period for the Advance Payments Program, producers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba of over 50 agriculture commodities can apply using FarmCash’s free, simple online application and receive access to funds in as little as three to five business days.

Now available to all western Canadian producers, FarmCash opens spring advance application with new features

March 15, 2021 (Calgary, AB) – Starting today, for the first time in its history, FarmCash is accepting spring advance applications from all western Canadian producers. This announcement follows the multi-provincial expansion of the FarmCash program made public on February 17, 2021.

FarmCash expanding services to all western Canadian agricultural producers this spring

February 17, 2021 (Calgary, AB) – The Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) is pleased to announce the FarmCash Advance Payments Program is expanding beyond Alberta and will be available to agricultural producers in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba beginning March 15, 2021.

FarmCash opens fall cash advances with fast turnaround times, producers can receive funds in three to five business days

September 1, 2020 (Calgary, AB)FarmCash is now accepting applications for the post-harvest fall advance starting today, September 1. Alberta producers of over 50 agricultural commodities including crops, livestock and honey can apply for free through a simple online application and receive funds in three to five business days upon completion of their application.

Government of Canada announces Stay of Default on outstanding 2018 cash advances in response to COVID-19

March 23, 2020 – Prime Minister announces support for farmers and agri-food businesses under Canada’s response to COVID-19.

FarmCash opens spring application, lowers interest rate and waives application fee

March 16, 2020 (Calgary, AB)FarmCash announced today that its spring application is now open for business with a lower interest rate than ever before. Farmers can apply today to receive funds as early as April 1 at a reduced interest rate of prime minus 0.75 per cent. FarmCash is further announcing that farmers will no longer pay a fee to apply.

FarmCash opens fall online application offering Alberta producers up to $1 million in cash advances

September 3, 2019 (Calgary, AB) – Over the Labour Day long weekend, the FarmCash cash advance program opened the 2019 fall application. As of September 1, Alberta producers can apply online through FarmCash for a fall advance on over 50 agricultural commodities. FarmCash is offered through the Advance Payments Program of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC).

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