Tree   Friendly Reminder!   Tree

  • Post-Harvest Reports are now due! If you haven't summited yours yet, please do so as soon as possible to stay compliant.
  • Exciting news ahead! Stay tuned for more details on PY2025 applications—coming soon!

Thanks for keeping things on track!   Tree

A simple and convenient cash flow management tool

Whether you're growing crops, raising livestock, or running a beekeeping operation we understand that your farming operation faces unique challenges throughout the year. FarmCash is more than just a cash advance; it’s a comprehensive cash flow management tool aimed at boosting the long-term profitability of your farm.

FarmCash offers marketing flexibility when selling your commodities, low-interest savings, risk mitigation during the growing season, and opportunities for making strategic investments.

Apply Today!

Looking to apply? Here's how:

Online or Call us at 1-825-509-3538 or 1-855-376-2274 (Toll-Free) or email at for more information and application details.

Apply for up to $1 million on over 50 commodities including all major crops, livestock and honey

The first $250,000 is interest-free

Convenient online application saves time, money and paperwork

Quick and efficient access to funds upon review and approval of submission

Who can apply?

FarmCash is available to producers across Western Canada — B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Illustration of Canada's 4 western provinces

Apply from the Comfort of Your Farm!

Applications are accepted online, by fax, mail, in person, or started via phone.

Enjoy the convenience of our straightforward online application process—no need to leave your farm.

Our online portal offers real-time access to your account information, enabling you to manage your application and securely save your progress until you’re ready to submit.

Take advantage of our user-friendly online tools, including e-signatures, loan calculators, and auto-fill features from previous applications.

Our dedicated FarmCash Team members are available year-round to ensure a seamless and efficient application experience.

Cows walking in a field

Commodity Rates & Fees

Explore our 50+ qualifying commodities, commodity rates & our no hidden fee structure.

View Commodity Rates and Fees

Bees on a honeycomb

How FarmCash Works for You

Learn more about how FarmCash can help improve your long-term profitability and financial stability.

Learn More

Grain being loaded into a truck

Support & Contact

Questions about FarmCash? We’re here to help.

Let's Connect